Start strong!
2024-07-12 , South Hall 2A

Starting new python projects should be fun, but often we get bogged down in the details and spend several weeks fine tuning our setup; Not to mention the unproductive time spent on discussions like:

  • oh, you are using ruff? I just use black!
  • how do you set up your dev environment?
  • what version of superFramework are you running?
  • can you please update your PR, the tests don't pass.

Let's put a stop to it! We will go through a collection of tools and techniques you can use to set up your new project for success. What to look for and how to make sure you can hit the ground running.

Covered tools/techniques:
Linting, testing, CI, dependency management, editor config, and some more...

Expected audience expertise:


Honza has been a Python engineer for over 20 years now, working throughout the stack ranging from web development to data engineering to, finally, platform architecture. He is passionate about developer experience and tools of the trade.