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Abhinand C

Abhinand C is a Product Engineer at Strollby, UST who loves to experiment with tech and build products for crafting a brighter future. At UST, he works on developing and scaling Python-based GraphQL micro-services.
Beyond the office, Abhinand actively volunteers with Kerala Police Cyberdome & Trivandrum Python Community. He also nurtures personal hobby projects, and contributes to the open-source community. He even had the privilege of delivering talks at renowned conferences like EuroPython 2023, PyCon India, PyCon Thailand.

  • Building Event-Driven Python service using FastStream and AsyncAPI
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Adam Kaczmarek

I am a passionate Deep Learning specialist implementing cutting-edge research ideas in business projects, connecting best practices from research and engineering environments. My primary interest area is Natural Language Processing, but I've also worked in other ML-related domains. With a team from ReasonFIeld Lab I'm developing open-source all-in-one XAI library - FoXAI.

  • Which LLM said that? - watermarking generated text
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Adam Zíka

At Salted CX, my role as a Machine Learning engineer revolves around specializing in Natural Language Processing. Specifically, I utilize Transformer models to gain insights into the operations of contact centers, enhancing visibility and understanding. I hold an Engineering Doctoral (EngD) degree in Data Science from the Technical University of Eindhoven.

  • Representation is King: The Journey to Quality Dialog Embeddings
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Adarsh Divakaran

Adarsh is an experienced Backend Developer with expertise in architecting, building & deploying APIs, primarily using Python. He is the co-founder of Digievo Labs, a global technology firm. Adarsh started his Speaker journey by presenting at GraphQL Summit ‘22 and has presented at various Python conferences including Pycascades, Europython 2023, and Flaskcon.

Explore his professional journey and insights on his personal website and blog.

  • Tackling Thread Safety in Python
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Adrian Brudaru

Hi There! I'm Adrian, a data engineer. At dlthub, I am one of the cofounders and original inventor of the first version of dlt.

I started my data career in 2012, in the Berlin startup scene, where I did 5y of employed work. I eventually moved to freelancing, because I liked to do more work and skip the drama.

In this time i built many data warehouses, data products and data teams and saw first hand the friction between data scientists and engineering, that came largely from a different toolset and abstractions needed. This made me try building various boilerplate loading code and identify the need with clarity.

  • From Pandas to production: ELT with dlt
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Akinbo Racheal Shade

My name is Akinbo Racheal, an author, writer, and researcher. I Possess a Master's Degree in Computer Science and currently pursuing my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Federal University of Technology Akure Ondo State Nigeria.
My professional goals lie in my ability to become a stand-out female Professor in Computer Science, lecturer, solution developer and research scientist applying problem-solving technologies to make a difference in the lives of students, institutions, communities and my nation at large.
I am a high flyer and achiever with strong presentation skills and a responsible person. I also have excellent oral and communication skills with independent and creative working skills.

  • Social Media and Sentimental Analysis: CBN Currency Redesign Policy
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Albertas Gimbutas

Python enthusiast, who has helped to kick start Python conference in Lithuania ten years ago. He has more than 7 years of professional Python back-end engineering experience mostly using Django; as well as a PhD in Informatics and professional certifications in Python, AWS and Terraform. Currently working as a Tech Lead Python Engineer at Shift4.

  • Deadcode - a tool to find and fix unused (dead) Python code
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Alvaro Duran

I started using Python when I was a data scientist, but quickly found that what I like the most is building software for others to use. That’s why most of the stuff I've learned over the years is focused on optimizing software from the point of view of the user.

I am a developer with a unique blend of expertise in finance, software engineering, and data. When I'm building software, my mind veers towards thorough testing and expressive code. That's why I love Python!

When not in front of a keyboard, I'm often found reading voraciously, near a pizza shop, or traveling. I may sometimes come across as too serious, but if you come bearing funny memes, or cookies, I can't help but smile.

  • Enterprise Python: Software That Lives Long And Prosper
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Amelia Walter-Dzikowska

QA & test automation engineer, trainer, mentor, speaker & social media content creator. Currently integration test specialist in a large banking project at JIT Team. So far she has worked in three human languages (Polish, English, French), with three different programming languages and in approximately ten projects for various industries. A multipotentialite fascinated by numerous topics, a tester of various learning methods loving to share her experiences. A neurodiversity advocate, an aspiring polyglot, a fan of psychology and dance.

  • Neurodiversity in the IT industry. Why do YOU need to know more about it?
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Andy Fundinger

Andy Fundinger is a senior engineer at Bloomberg, where he develops Python applications in the Data Gateway Platform team and supports Python developers throughout the firm through the company's Python Guild. Andy has spoken several times at PyGotham, as well as other conferences such as QCon, PyCaribbean, and EuroPython.

In the past, Andy has worked on private equity and credit risk applications, web services, and virtual worlds. Andy holds a master's degree in engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology.

  • Adventures in not writing tests
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Anna-Lena Popkes

I'm Anna-Lena, a machine learning engineer living in Bonn, Germany. I'm very passionate about learning and love to share my knowledge with other people. Besides machine learning I love teaching Python and have been a regular guest on PyCon events and podcasts. You can find my projects either on GitHub ( or on my personal webpage (

  • When and how to start coding with kids
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Anna Přistoupilová

Anna is a bioinformatics scientist focused on genome analysis techniques and their applications in understanding rare genetic diseases. She received the Bolzano Award for her doctoral thesis.

She holds a PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics, and Virology and two MSc degrees: one in Medical Technology and Informatics, and the other in Molecular Biology and Genetics, all from Charles University.

Anna has co-authored over 25 publications in peer-reviewed journals and has presented her work at various scientific conferences.

Currently, she works as a Senior Bioinformatics Scientist at DNAnexus company, where she assists customers with their bioinformatics analysis. She also conducts research at the Research Unit for Rare Diseases at the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University.

  • Deciphering the mysteries of human genomes
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Ansgar Gruene

Ansgar is a senior data scientist at GetYourGuide in Berlin. His work focuses on ML approaches to improve the users search and discovery experience on the platform. He holds a Ph.D. in Theoretical Computer Science and has several years of experience as backend engineer and data scientist in the travel industry.

  • From Text to Context: How We Introduced a Modern Hybrid Search
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Anton Caceres

I'm a passionate Python developer and event organizer, running a software agency in Munich. With a history of organizing PyCons and leading the PyMunich meetup, I'm also proud to be a Python Software Foundation fellow. My journey is all about continuous learning and knowledge sharing.

  • Python Observability Perfected: Advanced Techniques with OpenTelemetry
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Antonio Cuni

Dr. Antonio Cuni is a Principal Software Engineer at Anaconda. He is the author of SPy, a core developer of PyScript and PyPy, and one of the founders of the HPy project, which aims to design a better and more modern C API for Python. He loves to write tools from developers for developers, such as Pdb++, fancycompleter and vmprof and he is creator/maintainer/contributor of numerous other open source projects. He have also been very active in the Python community for years, giving talks at various conferences such as EuroPython, EuroSciPy, PyCon Italia, and many others. He regularly writes on the PyPy blog and on the HPy blog. His main areas of interest are compilers, language implementation, TDD and performance.

  • C API Summit
  • C API Summit
  • C API Summit
  • C API Summit
  • SPy (Static Python) lang: fast as C, Pythonic as Python
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Anwesha Das

Anwesha is a Master of Laws by education and a technologist by passion.She is a fellow at the Python Software Foundation and the Release Manager of Ansible. She works as a Software Engineer with the Ansible Engineering team at Red Hat. She led PyLadies efforts in India and now is an organizer at PyLadies Stockholm. You can follow her blog at

  • Open Source Sustainability Panel
  • Intellectual Property Law 101
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Ariel Ortiz

Ariel Ortiz is a programming languages geek. Since 1994, he’s been a full time faculty member at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico, where he has been involved mainly in teaching undergraduate computer science courses. His first encounter with Python was back in 2001, and since then he has used it in several of his classes, including: CS1, Data Structures, Web Development, Design Patterns, Programming Languages, and Compiler Design. He’s an active member of ACM’s special interest group on computer science education (SIGCSE) and the main author of the Spanish language websites EduPython and RIP3.

  • From Diamonds to Mixins: Demystifying Multiple Inheritance in Python
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Armin Ronacher

Armin is Sentry’s VP of Platform.

He is the creator of the Flask Python framework and a frequent speaker at international conferences. Armin is a significant contributor to a number of Open Source projects across Rust, Python and other languages, as well as Sentry’s core platform.

Based in Vienna, Armin - when not 3d printing - enjoys spending time with his family and children.

  • Open Source Sustainability Panel
  • The Catch in Rye: Seeding Change and Lessons Learned
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Arthur Pastel

Hi, I'm Arthur, a software engineer based in Paris 🇫🇷🥖

I worked as an engineer in a few tech companies over the past years, mostly building software with Python, but I'm also passionate about (too ??) many other software fields.

I'm an Open source enthusiast and love to contribute when possible. 2 years ago, I built ODMantic, an ODM for MongoDB & Python. It's a kind of ORM but built on top of Pydantic to provide a seamless model definition and integration with FastAPI.

Last year, I founded CodSpeed, a Continuous Performance Analysis solution helping tech companies and Open-Source projects prevent performance issues directly in their CI pipelines.

  • Demystifying AsyncIO: Building Your Own Event Loop in Python
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Artur Czepiel
  • Open Source Sustainability Panel
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Ashish Gupta

Hii there , I am an opensource contributor and python enthusiast currently associated with Red Hat .

  • Learn Python by Making a Console Game
  • Learn Python by Making a Console Game
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Austin Bingham

Austin is a founding director of Sixty North, a software consulting, training, and application development company. A native of Texas, in 2008 Austin moved to Stavanger, Norway where he helped develop industry-leading oil reservoir modeling software in C++ and Python. Prior to that he worked at National Instruments developing LabVIEW, at Applied Research Labs (Univ. of Texas at Austin) developing sonar systems for the U.S. Navy, and at a number of telecommunications companies. He is an experienced presenter, teacher, and author, as well as an active member of the open source community. Austin holds a Master of Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.

  • Mutation Testing in Python with Cosmic Ray
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Auxten Wang

👨🏻‍💻 Experience in ML, Database
Technical Director of ClickHouse core team
Former Principal Engineer @ Shopee (DB for RecSys)

❤️ Love Open Source!
Contributed to ClickHouse, Jemalloc, K8s, Memcached, CockroachDB, Superset
Creator of chDB, CovenantSQL

  • chDB: The Blazing Fast SQL Engine for Data Science
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Benjamin Bossan

Machine Learning Engineer at Hugging Face

Mainly working on parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques.

  • Fine-tuning large models on local hardware
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Ben Lomax
  • The Art of the Pull Request
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Bernát Gábor

Works at Bloomberg US on the data ingestion pipeline. Python Packaging Authority member, PSF fellow; maintaining tox, virtualenv, build, flit, pipx etc. See for a full list.

  • Lessons learned from maintaining open-source Python projects
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Bilge Yücel

Bilge is a Developer Relations Engineer at deepset, working with Haystack, an open source LLM framework. With over two years of experience as a Software Engineer, she developed a strong interest in NLP and pursued a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence at KU Leuven with a focus on NLP. Now, she enjoys working with Haystack, writing blog posts and tutorials, and helping the community build LLM applications. ✨ 🥑

  • Building End-to-End Reliable RAG Applications
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Bojan Miletic

Hi, I help AI/ML companies and their AI/data scientists turn ML models from the data lab into PoCs, MVPs, or fully functional products that convincingly prove their value to investors and other important decision-makers.

By using #Python and #AWS as superpowers, I help you get real business value from your ML algorithms.

And I happily consult your AI scientists on how to write clean, reusable code in Python and thus save thousands (or even millions) on ML-based software deployment and development.

  • Async Await: Mastering Python's Time-Bending Tricks
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Borjan Tchakaloff

Borjan has been fully focusing his attention on software engineering with Python for the last six years.
He is having good fun with event sourcing and Django.
Currently busy at home with parental duties.

  • Event Sourcing in production
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Brayan Kai Mwanyumba

Brayan Kai is a Data Scientist Passionate about Communities, Technical Writing and Open-Source Advocacy.
He currently volunteers at different developer communities across Africa including Google Crowdsource, Open-Source Community Africa, She Code Africa, PyLadies Ghana and Dev Careers. All this owing to his strong passion for supporting fellow upcoming technologists, women in tech and advocating for inclusion and diversity. He calls this his personal mission.
It makes him happier, more balanced, and gives him a stronger sense of purpose to innovate, share, and teach in and with the community rather than just for it.

  • Effective Strategies for Disability Inclusion in Open Source Communities
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Bunmi Akinremi

Bunmi Akinremi is a Microsoft Certified AI Engineer and seasoned Machine Learning Engineer with a thriving career in the advertising industry at Kochava. She has been in the space for 4+ years and has made impactful contributions across agriculture, finance, and journalism domains.

Currently driving innovation at Kochava, Bunmi's work involves building robust model deployment pipelines and enhancing ML systems to make data-driven choices for clients. Aside from work, she actively participates in hackathons as they are an exciting way to collaborate and learn new tools.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Bunmi's contributions to the community are equally impressive. As a mentor, tutor, and community leader, Bunmi has fostered a thriving environment for learning and innovation, empowering women professionals and AI enthusiasts. Whether leading groundbreaking projects, sharing knowledge, or contributing to community growth, she always looks for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow.

  • Behind the Scenes of an Ads Prediction System
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Çağıl Uluşahin Sönmez

Çağıl is a software engineer based in London. She has been working with Python and Django since 2008.

Currently she is working as a Lead Backend Engineer at Kraken Tech.

She is vice president in Django Software Foundation, co-organiser of London Django Meetup, Pycon Turkey, DjangoGirls Turkey, and a PSF managing member.

  • Open Source Sustainability Panel
  • Navigating Tech Leadership: Challenges and Strategies
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Carol Willing

I am a globally recognized expert in Python development and open source software. As a board advisor and consultant, I guide early-stage organizations, and leadership teams in the complexities of open source governance, data science, AI, cloud, and Machine Learning. I am a core Python developer, three-time Python steering member, and Project Jupyter core contributor.

My contributions to science, open source, and technology are felt far and wide: I have transformed the way students learn with Jupyter notebooks; I’ve contributed and shared to countless open source projects such as and CPython; I’ve advised many organizations in open source governance including Quansight Labs, CZI Open Source, and PyOpenSci. I am the recipient of the ACM Software System Award (2017) and the Frank Willison Award for technical and community contributions to Python (2019). I’m a co-organizer of PyLadies San Diego and San Diego Python User Group.

Throughout my career, I’ve built a reputation for embracing opportunity, scaling knowledge through the power of community, and approaching every challenge with curiosity, empathy, and kindness. I have a track record of building high-performance teams, helping organizations grasp the complexities of cloud-native environments, and influencing others through mentorship. I believe in the power of sharing, in the power of community. I also believe that through science and technology and art, we can discover more about who we are as humans. I’m deeply committed to sharing my knowledge with others through stories that make the world of technology and science accessible and relatable—through five-minute mentor moments to a keynote on a global stage.

When I am not coding or deep in research on data, AI, or cognitive science, you can find me in my Southern California garden, surrounded by succulents, restoring an old guitar, or building blinky wearables.

  • Embracing Python, AI, and Heuristics: Optimal Paths for Impactful Software
  • CPython Core Development Panel
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Catalin Hanga

Catalin Hanga (PhD) is a Data Scientist, currently working at the Open Innovation - AI Lab of Iveco Group in Switzerland. His main focus is research and development of advanced machine learning algorithms for solving technical or business problems in the automotive industry. His recent projects include designing a document intelligence chatbot based on Retrieval Augmented Generation, as well as implementing autonomous LLM agents using the ReAct framework. Prior to this, he briefly worked in a similar role for a startup in the insurtech industry. He has obtained a PhD in Mathematics from the University of York, UK, and holds an M.Sc. in Physics from the University of Bucharest, Romania. During his M.Sc. studies, he also worked as a researcher at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, analyzing experimental data collected by the detectors of the Large Hadron Collider.

  • Fundamentals of Retrieval Augmented Generation
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Cheuk Ting Ho

After having a career in Data Scientist and Developer Relations, Cheuk dedicated her work to the open-source community and founded CMD Limes, a Python consultants cooperation. She has also co-founded Humble Data, a beginner Python workshop that has been happening around the world. She has served the EuroPython Society board for two years and is now a fellow and director of the Python Software Foundation.

  • Counting down for CRA - updates and expectations
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Ciara Carey

I'm a software engineer working in developer relations in Cloudsmith and have a particular interest in software supply chain security.

  • Best practices for securely consuming open source in Python
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Cristián Maureira-Fredes

Cristián is currently working at The Qt Company as Sr. R&D Manager, in charge of the Qt Core (Berlin) and Qt for Python teams, from which he has been part of the development team for more than 6 years.

In his spare time, Cristián is a serial conference and community organizer in many countries, and participates in different initiatives like the translation of the Python documentation into Spanish, PyPI moderation, and others related Python and Qt.

  • The role of C++ in the Python ecosystem: the case of the Qt framework
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Daniel Goldfarb

Daniel is an engineer at Bloomberg with experience developing Trading Systems, Risk Analytics, and applications for Financial Analysis of Equities and Fixed Income securities. He holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics from the University of Virginia, and was a CFA charter holder and member of the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute for more than 10 years. He is the Open Source maintainer of Matplotlib's MPLFINANCE package, and the author of McGraw-Hill's "Biophysics Demystified."

  • Creating Your Own Extensions for JupyterLab
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David Woods

Originally a Physical Chemist. Professionally, mainly works with C++ the moment. At EuroPython to talk about Cython for which I've been a contributor for a number of year.

  • Cython and the Limited API
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Deb Nicholson

Deb Nicholson is an open source software policy expert and a passionate community advocate. She is the Executive Director at the Python Software Foundation which serves as the non-profit steward of the Python programming language. She’s won the O’Reilly Open Source Award and the Award for the Advancement of Free Software for her efforts to broaden the free and open source software movement. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Spritely Institute and on the Advisory Board for Open@RIT. She lives with her husband and her lucky black cat in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  • Counting down for CRA - updates and expectations
  • Open Source Sustainability Panel
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Deborah Foroni

I am a master in Technology and a Data Scientist. I am part of technology communities such as Pyladies São Paulo and 'Todas as Letras' (LGBTQIAP+). Additionally, I am a popular educator at the Technology Center of MTST.

  • NLP Application in Cases of Violence Against Women
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Dharin Shah

Dharin is a senior engineer working in the Search team at GetYourGuide. He is responsible for all the infrastructure and data processing for search, which is exposed via generic APIs. He has deep interest in performance, distributed systems & databases, and has past experience in contributing to Opensearch. He also enjoys reading technical white papers, as well as reading more about the current AI hot-trends in general.

  • From Text to Context: How We Introduced a Modern Hybrid Search
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Elvis Pranskevichus

Elvis Pranskevichus is a co-founder and CTO of EdgeDB -- a Pythonic database. Before that Elvis co-founded MagicStack, a Toronto consulting company, best known for uvloop, asyncpg, httptools and many contributions to the Python async ecosystem.

  • Edges of Python: Three Radical Python Hacks for Fun and Profit
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Facundo Tuesca

I'm a Senior Security Engineer at Trail of Bits, currently focused on improving open-source ecosystem security, mainly through contributions to foundational packages in the Python ecosystem.

  • Automatic trusted publishing with PyPI
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Florian Bruhin

Florian Bruhin ("The Compiler") is a long-time contributor and maintainer of
both the pytest framework and various plugins. He discovered pytest in 2015 -
since then, he has given talks and conducted workshops about pytest at various
conferences and companies. His primary project, qutebrowser (a keyboard-focused
web browser), has grown from a hobby to a donation-funded part-time job.

  • pytest tips and tricks for a better testsuite
  • pytest tips and tricks for a better testsuite
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Florian Stefan

Florian is based in Berlin and works as Software Engineer for Flatiron Health. Before joining Flatiron Health's mission to improve and extend lives by learning from the experience of every person with cancer, he worked for eBay and Immobilienscout24. Florian loves traveling with his family, uses his little son as excuse to buy toys for himself and is passionate about software engineering, software architecture and punk rock.

  • DBT & Python - How to write reusable and testable pipelines
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Goran Jelic-Cizmek

After several years of being a researcher in cosmology and using Python for studying the large-scale structure of the Universe, I've since moved to the exciting world of high-performance computing, and am currently working on improving software in the computational neuroscience domain at EPFL's Blue Brain Project.

  • Insights and Experiences of Packaging Python Binary Extensions
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Gowthami Bhogireddy

Gowthami Bhogireddy is a Software Engineer on the Bloomberg’s Enterprise Data Lake team. She is leveraging distributed file systems, cloud table formats, and distributed query engines to build a data lake for historical financial data, which will empower clients to take full advantage of the company’s Enterprise Data products. Her team has ingested, cleaned, and enriched a quadrillion data points into the data lake, which continues growing by at least hundreds of billions of new data points daily.

  • Exploring Apache Iceberg: A Modern Data Lake Stack
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Gurjot Singh

Gurjot is a Quantitative Developer/ Researcher based in London. He currently works as Quantitative Strat in an investment bank. Gurjot's primary expertise is in Python, Mathematical Modelling and C++ and he has over 9 years of experience in the field having previously worked for JPMorgan and start-ups.

Gurjot did his undergraduate degree from IIT Jodhpur and has been coding in Python since his college days.

When he is not working, he enjoys playing hockey and is passionate about cooking Indian food and teaching Mathematics.

  • Maths in Motion: Python-Powered Modelling for Real-World Phenomena
  • Maths in Motion: Python-Powered Modelling for Real-World Phenomena
The speaker’s profile picture
Helena Gómez Pozo

Biologist born in the center of Spain; currently working in the pharmaceutical industry. I have always had a great passion for sharing knowledge in a clear way and for all audiences, specially in te biology field 🧬.

  • How to destroy the world using Python and a synthetic virus
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Honza Král

Honza has been a Python engineer for over 20 years now, working throughout the stack ranging from web development to data engineering to, finally, platform architecture. He is passionate about developer experience and tools of the trade.

  • Start strong!
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Hugo van Kemenade
  • CPython Core Development Panel
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Iryna Kondrashchenko

I hold a Masters degree in Artificial Intelligence and work as a Data Scientist. In my spare time, I am focusing on open-source projects and contributing to several libraries designed to streamline and simplify various aspects of data science.

  • Scikit-LLM: Beginner Friendly NLP Using LLMs
The speaker’s profile picture
Israel Blancas

Software Engineer @ Red Hat working on observability magics. Google Developer Expert in Google Cloud. Grafana Champion. Google Developer Group Organizer.

Open Source contributor from Spain!

  • Autoinstrumentation Adventures: enhancing Python apps with OpenTelemetry
The speaker’s profile picture
Ivan Gill

Software developer for the Centre for Infectious Disease Genomics and One Health, located at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. I develop applications for public health research.

Attended the University of British Columbia. MSc in Bioinformatics, BSc in Computer Science, and BSc in Animal Biology.

  • VIRUS-MVP: using Dash and Plotly to visualize viral mutations by lineage
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Ivett Ördög

Ivett Ördög is a public speaker and the creator of Lean Poker, a gamified devops training tool that teaches agile, lean and continuous deployment practices to developers. She is based in Bavaria, Germany and has over 15 years of experience in software development and leadership. She is passionate about innovation, collaboration and learning, and enjoys sharing her knowledge and insights with others. She also runs a YouTube channel called Leaders Workshop, where she helps aspiring engineering leaders to grow their skills and confidence through practical advice and real-life stories.

  • How to sell a big refactor or rewrite to the business?
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Jacob Tomlinson

Jacob Tomlinson is a senior software engineer at NVIDIA. His work involves maintaining open source projects including RAPIDS and Dask. He also tinkers with kr8s in his spare time. He lives in Exeter, UK.

  • GPU Development in Python 101
  • GPU Development in Python 101
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Jakub Beránek

I'm currently trying to finish a PhD. in High-Performance Computing at the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre. I also teach various programming subjects at the VSB-TUO university in Ostrava and I'm a passionate open-source contributor, primarily to the Rust compiler and its ecosystem, where I'm a member of several Rust development teams.

  • Writing Python like it's Rust - more robust code with type hints
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Jakub Urban

Jakub currently leads the data science platform team that enables the Flyr for Hospitality science organisation developing, operating and maintaining data science products in a user friendly and sustainable way. He started tinkering with Python for computer simulations and data analysis during his computation physics PhD studies, when NumPy and Matplotlib were brand new projects and Pandas had not met Python yet. Since then, Python and its ecosystem have become Jakub's de facto work and hobby toolset for anything programming and data modelling related. After leading the theory group at the tokamak department of the Institute of Plasma Physics in Prague, Jakub was in different roles in the data science and engineering landscape. He also co-founded PyData Prague meetup, performs an occasional speaker or tutor at meetups or conferences and tutors scientific computing with Python at the Czech Technical University.

  • From built-in concurrency primitives to large scale distributed computing
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Jan Musílek

I've gained my degree in Theoretical Computer Science on Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. Currently I work as a Senior Python Developer at CZ.NIC, taking care of .cz domain registry and its ecosystem. I've been programming for almost 20 years, 7 of those as a professional Python developer. I'm a Linux and FOSS enthusiast and I like to submit PRs to open source projects whenever possible. In my free time, I do enjoy practicing partner acrobatics.

  • Keeping your projects nice and clean
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Jan Pipek

A physicist by education, a data scientist as a current job title. Co-organiser of PyData Prague meet-ups and mentor of PyLadies.

  • Data Analysis, the Polars Way
  • Data Analysis, the Polars Way
The speaker’s profile picture
Jan Smitka

I am a Software engineer from Pilsen, Czech Republic, with more than 20 years of experience.

I develop web and data applications in Python. However, my area of expertise also includes everything required for their complete delivery and maintenance: frontend, databases, system administration, cloud deployment, containers, networks, development workflows, project management, and many others.

I am a co-organizer of Pilsen Pyvo, a local meetup for Python enthusiasts and developers.

  • Containerize your Python apps like it's 2024
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Javier Alonso

I am a passionate Computer Engineer always learning new things! I started in this world almost 7 years ago and am glad I can work on the thing I love.

I am the President of Python Spain, the organizer of the PyConES 2023/2024 editions, and a collaborator on the PyConES 2022.

  • RPA, TDD, and Embedded: A world glued together with Python!
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Jeremiah Paige

I am a long-time Python developer of over a decade and often focus on static analysis and distribution problems. Python is a diverse and quickly growing community and I love to contribute to it even as I try to keep up. I currently help ActiveState deliver secure, pre-build Python projects to enterprise customers and individual developers.

  • You are sharing your code wrong (and what to do about it)
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Jessica Temporal

Jessica Temporal is a Sr Developer Advocate at Okta and co-founder of the first Brazilian data science podcast, Pizza de Dados. She’s also a LinkedIn Learning instructor. Creator of GitFichas, a git study cards collection, and is a GitHub Star. Jess also authored "The Big Git Microbook". She is part of the Pyladies and in her free time, she knits, plays video games, and tries to learn to rollerblade.

  • Migrating a Web Application from Flask to FastAPI: Avoiding Pitfalls
  • Migrating a Web Application from Flask to FastAPI: Avoiding Pitfalls
The speaker’s profile picture
Jimmy Lai

Jimmy Lai is a Software Engineer at ZipHQ Infrastructure. He loves Python and likes to share his love in tech talks. His recent interest is linters and his prior sharing topics include profiling, optimization, asyncio, type annotations and automated refactoring.

  • Streamlining Testing in a Large Python Codebase
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Jodie Burchell

Dr. Jodie Burchell is the Developer Advocate in Data Science at JetBrains, and was previously a Lead Data Scientist at Verve Group Europe. After finishing a PhD in Psychology and a postdoc in biostatistics, she has worked in a range of data science and machine learning roles across natural language processing, search improvement, recommendation systems, and programmatic advertising. She is passionate about making Python data science and machine learning accessible for others. She is also a long time content creator in data science, across conference and user group presentations, books, webinars, and blogging.

  • Humble Data
  • Humble Data
  • Humble Data
  • Lies, damned lies and large language models
  • Humble Data
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Jonathan Hollenbeck

Jonathan Hollenbeck is a Senior Software Engineer at Bloomberg for the ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) team, where he delivers performance & reliability improvements for financial models and data transformations. He has five years of experience in scientific computing, using Python, Julia, and R. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in computer science from UC Davis, he started his software engineering career at Learning at Cisco. During his early career, he integrated content development workflows and learner telemetry into a highly reliable, near-real-time database system with 1,100 internal users. He then took on a strategic role, supporting cross-org learning integration and driving inception + productionalization of ML/AI training projects, one of which achieved CEO recognition & a partnership with the White House. During this time, he earned a master’s degree in Computational & Applied Mathematics from Stanford University, with a focus on Machine Learning ethics.

  • How we used vectorization for 1000x Python speedups (no C or Spark needed!)
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Jonathan Striebel

Jonathan is a senior ML software engineer at Aignostics in Berlin, Germany. He works on machine-learning pipelines for medical image analysis, ensuring scalability and maintainability.

  • Profile, Optimize, Repeat: One Core Is All You Need™
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Jose Haro Peralta

Jose is an API strategy and security advisor. He's the author of Microservice APIs and the creator of fencer, an open-source API security testing tool. He's a regular speaker at international conferences and has taught hundreds of students to build and deliver reliable and secure APIs.

  • Zero Trust APIs with Python
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Josh Lowe
  • Invent with PyScript
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Jothir Adithyan
  • Tackling Thread Safety in Python
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Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez

Juan Luis (he/him/él) is an Aerospace Engineer with a passion for tech communities, outreach, and sustainability. He works at QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey, as Product Manager for Kedro, an opinionated Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code. He has worked as Developer Advocate at Read the Docs, as software engineer in the space, consulting, and banking industries, and as a Python trainer for several private and public entities.

Apart from being a long-time user and contributor to many projects in the scientific Python stack (NumPy, SciPy, Astropy) he has published several open-source packages, the most important one being poliastro, an open-source Python library for interactive astrodynamics used in academia and industry.

Finally, Juan Luis is the founder and former chair of the Python España association, the point of contact for the Spanish Python community, former organizer of PyCon Spain, which attracted 800 attendees in its last in-person edition in 2022, and current organizer of the PyData Madrid monthly meetups.

  • From zero to MLOps: An open source stack to fight spaghetti ML
  • From zero to MLOps: An open source stack to fight spaghetti ML
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Justine Wezenaar

Justine Wezenaar is a Software Engineering Team Lead for Bloomberg’s ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) Quant team, which owns the implementation and maintenance of the firm’s quantitative parametric scoring models. She took a less-traditional route to Software Engineering, studying mathematics and theoretical physics at McGill University, then working as a data scientist for a healthtech startup in her hometown Halifax, Canada before joining Bloomberg Engineering in New York City in 2018. Before joining the ESG team in 2022, Justine was on the quant engineering team for Bloomberg’s Evaluated Pricing (BVAL) product, where she worked on pricing models for mortgage-backed securities. In her role, her team builds systems which must satisfy both the performance and reliability requirements of Engineering, while also remaining sufficiently flexible and agile to accommodate the Research and Product teams’ responses to the dynamic ESG market landscape.

  • How we used vectorization for 1000x Python speedups (no C or Spark needed!)
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Kacper Łukawski

Software developer and data scientist at heart, with an inclination to teach others. Public speaker, working in DevRel.

  • Deconstructing the text embedding models
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Kairo de Araujo

Kairo is a new Senior Open Source Engineer at TestifySec. He contributed to python-tuf and is the author of Repository Service for TUF (RSTUF). Prior roles include Senior Open Source Software Engineer at VMware Open Source Program Office (OSPO), Senior Software Engineer at IBM, ING, and Forescout.

  • It’s happening: TUF joins PyPI (Warehouse)
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Karolina Surma

It all started with a PyLadies Python course in 2017 and I've been active in the Czech Python community ever since. After the beginner's course I got hooked into programming, learned the basics of Linux, and got impressed with the open-source project development. With that I could kickstart my career in IT: first as QA, now as a software engineer working with open-source software. Outside the world of IT, I like watching herbs grow, going on long hikes, dreaming of a better world and, on unrelated manner, reading fiction.

  • PEP 639 - Towards licensing standardization in Python packaging
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Kir Chou

Kir is a Pythonista from the PyCon Taiwan community and lives in Tokyo.

💼Kir's works: Geo and Search systems to solve i18n and l10n user experience.

💕Kir's hobby: 🍷🍶🍺🏂🧗⛰️🧑‍🌾🏃

See Kir's past PyCon talks in

  • Demystify Python Types for PEP 729
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Koudai Aono

I am a software developer based in Tokyo, with a strong focus on Python. I enjoy contributing to Open Source Software (OSS) with a goal to make the development environment friendlier.

  • Enhancing Decorators with Type Annotations: Techniques and Best Practices
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Kushal Das

Kushal Das is a public interest technologist working at Sunet ( where he helps to build secure and privacy focused tools and services. He is Cpython core developer & a director at the Python Software Foundation. He is also part of the core team of the Tor Project, and a long time contributor to Fedora Project. In 2004 he founded Linux Users' Group of Durgapur. He also helps out journalists/activists with digital security trainings. He regularly blogs at

  • Writing Python modules in Rust
  • Writing Python modules in Rust
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Lauris Jullien

Equipped with a decade of software and data engineering expertise, Lauris empowers teams and organizations to supercharge decision-making with their data. He brings a myriad of battle-tested best-practices and concepts from the software engineering to the data world. His stack includes: machine learning engineering, data engineering, backend engineering, data science, infrastructure engineering, and business intelligence. Previously he led teams working on climate tech at Cervest, logistics at Sennder and tackled ad-tech challenges at Yelp. Currently he is digging deep into the data privacy and compliance area in the LLM paradigm.

  • Caching for Jupyter Notebooks
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Laysa Uchoa

I’m a digital architect who constructs scalable structures using the magic of the cloud and Python. I’m a certified cloud engineer and an enthusiastic advocate of the Python language and its environments. In addition to this, I am the leader of the PyLadies Munich chapter — a community where individuals gather to learn, share, and nurture their growth.

  • Is it me or Python memory management?
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Leo Yao

Leo is a Product Manager at Microsoft, where he is working on developer tooling for Python and AI, with the goal of improving the developer experience for Data Scientists, AI Engineers, and ML engineers. Leo and his team are currently working on creating tools that can help developers to build AI applications.

  • Mastering Generative AI: Tools and Techniques with VS Code, GitHub, Azure
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Lukas Pühringer

Lukas Pühringer is a research engineer at the NYU Center for Cyber Security (CCS), where he leads the development of The Update Framework (TUF), and has been co-maintaining several of Prof. Justin Cappos’ software projects, most notably the supply chain security framework in-toto. Lukas also supervises students and gives talks about TUF and in-toto.

  • It’s happening: TUF joins PyPI (Warehouse)
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Łukasz Langa

Failed comedian. CPython Developer in Residence. Wannabe musician. Python 3.8 & 3.9 release manager. Co-host of the podcast. Original creator of Black. Dad.

  • Live coding music with PyREPL in Python 3.13
  • CPython Core Development Panel
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Lumír Balhar
  • Python’s Journey: From Upstream to Enterprise
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Lysandros Nikolaou

Lysandros works as a Senior Software Engineer at Quansight Labs, where he spends most of his time on CPython and the PyData ecosystem. He is a CPython core developer, specializing in the parser, the tokenizer and the REPL. He recently worked on supercharging f-strings in Python 3.12 and the new REPL for Python 3.13.

  • How we sped up NumPy’s string operations for NumPy 2.0
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Maciej Szymczak

Software developer interested in machine learning, functional programming and software design. Holds master's degree in Computer Science from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.

  • Redun: Lazy Expressions for Efficient Reactive Python Workflows
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Madalina Ciortan

Madalina Ciortan is Head of Data Science at Her academic journey includes a degree in engineering, a master's in computer science, a post-master's in bioinformatics and doctorate in data science. With close to two decades of professional experience, she navigated roles in software development, architecture, applied data science, and research. Her expertise spans a wide array of domains, from computer vision and natural language processing to time series analysis, unsupervised analysis, self-supervised learning within the industry.

  • One analysis a day keeps anomalies away!
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Magdalena Borecka

Magda is a software engineer with a data scientist past. She received Master's degree in Computer Science at AGH University of Technology in Cracow, Poland.

In her spare time, she enjoys playing games of many kinds (from pen&paper RPGs to newest titles for computers and consoles), cooking and doing good things for the environment.

  • Redun: Lazy Expressions for Efficient Reactive Python Workflows
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Mai Giménez

Mai Giménez, PhD. is a senior research engineer working in large language and multimodal language models at Google Deepmind. She is passionate about building the most useful technology for everyone and her main research interest is in language and the sociotechnical impacts of these models in the real world.

Mai is a former board member of the Spanish Python Association, helped organise several PyConES conferences and is a proud member of the Pyladies.

  • Healthy code for healthy teams (or the other way around)
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Manivannan Selvaraj

I am a software engineer with experience of working with IT companies in Silicon Valley, USA (Salesforce, Slack, PayPal). After spending about eight years contributing and leading various projects in the USA, I have recently relocated back to India. Currently, I am taking a career break to adjust to the relocation and recharge myself before embarking on my next professional adventure.

My day job involved dealing with imposter syndrome among an army of coding geniuses at Slack and perform as a Staff Engineer on the side. I've expertise in architecting and delivering large-scale systems in public and private clouds, leveraging technologies like Python, Java, GoLang, Chef, Terraform, Kubernetes, Docker, Apache Mesos, and Aurora. I love open source software and contribute to it whenever I get a chance.

  • The Imposter Staff Engineer’s Journey to Leadership
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Manoj Pandey

Manoj is a Pythonista, builder, polyglot. Founder/Organizer of PyData Delhi. He has been speaking at several conferences including PyCon UK, Finland, Italy, Philippines, and more.

  • Parallelism, Concurrency, and AsyncIO: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
  • Parallelism, Concurrency, and AsyncIO: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
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Marc-André Lemburg

Marc-Andre is the CEO and founder of, a Python-focused boutique project and consulting company based in Germany, specializing in the data, finance and database space. He has a degree in mathematics from the University of Düsseldorf.

His work with and for Python started in 1994. He is a Python Core Developer, designed and implemented the Unicode support in Python, the editor of the Python DB-API and author of several open source libraries and tools (e.g. the mx Extensions mxDateTime and mxODBC).

Marc-Andre is a EuroPython Society (EPS) Fellow, a Python Software Foundation (PSF) founding Fellow and co-founded a local Python meeting in Düsseldorf (PyDDF). He served on the board of the PSF and EPS for many years and loves to contribute to the growth of Python wherever he can.

More information is available on

  • Shipping ready-to-run Python apps without the need to install Python
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Marcelo Trylesinski

Marcelo is known as The FastAPI Expert. He is Brazilian, and is currently leaving in the Netherlands.
He maintains Starlette and Uvicorn, and is working at Pydantic.

  • FastAPI Internals
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Marian Špilka

Marian Spilka, a Senior Data Engineer at, is an adept in orchestrating data workflows with managed Airflow and helping teams through Data Mesh architecture integration. Marian is passionate about everything around data. He finished his doctoral degree in Computer science with a focus on face recognition processing.
Beyond professional expertise, Marian is also an enthusiast in smart home technology, merging the worlds of DIY projects with his love for innovation. Marian cherishes everyday moments with his family and loved ones, balancing work with a fulfilling home life.

  • Impersonation in Data Engineering: No More Credentials in Your Code!
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Marin Aglić Čuvić

Marin Aglić Čuvić is a software engineer at SeekandHit. He is adept in building data pipelines using Python Celery and Apache Airflow. He aims to improve the scalability, maintainability, and developer experience on the projects he works on. He is also passionate about data engineering.
Other than work, Marin likes writing articles in which he takes a deep dive into the technologies he uses or is passionate about.

  • Data pipelines with Celery: modular, signal-driven and manageable
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Marina Moro López

Biomedical Engineer from Madrid and current PhD student in Biophysics and Bioengineering at the University of Barcelona. I am passionate about biology and programming, and I love to mix both and give talks about it. In my day-to-day life I use Python to make my scientific tasks easier. Since April, I am part of the Board of Directors of the Python Spain Association with the role of secretary :)

  • How to destroy the world using Python and a synthetic virus
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Martina Guttau-Zielke

Born in 1987 I grew up in Germany raised by a single, unemployed mother, without any educational background or wealth.
Regardless, my mother put a lot of effort into my education, even as we struggled financially, and I was able to attend university and study law in 2009.
Besides studying I committed to honorary posts at the European Law Students' Association and cared for my mother, who became ill. I even had to take a two-year-break from university to tend to her and go working at a hairdresser's in full employment.
Shortly before I could write my final exams, I gave birth to my first child in 2017 and to the second one in 2020. I stayed home a while and restarted university in September 2023.
My key area of focus is Media Law, which includes the areas of IT, Data Security, Intellectual Property and many more.
Other than my studies and my little goblin children, my hobbies include reading (mostly science fiction and fantasy), pen and paper rpg, watching Buffy for the umphthousandth time, sewing and the dream of someday exercising martial arts again.

  • ... and justice for AIl
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Martina Ivanicova

Martina serves as the Head of Data Engineering at, where she oversees teams of analytics engineers and the data platform team. Her current focus lies in the adoption of the Data Mesh paradigm, driving the development of a self-service data platform for both batch and real-time data analytics, and setting up an ML platform to optimize data scientist workflows. Despite graduating with a degree in theoretical physics, Martina's career has consistently been linked to data engineering. Her experience spans creating data solutions for smart buildings to developing data warehouse solutions for major agencies.

  • Don't fix bad data, do this instead
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Martin Borus

Working as a software developer writing booking software for ferry companies, Martin has discovered Python in 2014 and has fallen in love with the language quickly. He uses it to write APIs and interfaces with booking software (written in classic "Navision" C/SIDE) and to automate all kinds of on-premise software and hardware tasks.

He has helped at Europython every year since 2017 and is part of the EuroPython Operations Team. He also volunteers at other Python events like PyConDE, Humble Data and is one of the organisers of the German language Python Barcamp in Rügen.

  • Beginner Conference Orientation
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Martin Fleischmann

I am a researcher in urban morphology and geographic data science focusing on quantitative analysis and classification of cities, remote sensing, and bits of AI. While not doing the research, I write open source software, promote open science and help others with their data.

I am an author or a maintainer of a range of open scientific software, including GeoPandas, the open source Python package for geographic data handling, momepy, the urban morphology measuring toolkit for Python, Xvec, the tool for vector data cubes, and PySAL, the Python library for spatial analysis.

  • GeoPandas 1.0 and beyond
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Matthieu Caneill

Matthieu Caneill is a data & software engineer, currently working at Picnic in Amsterdam, where he's taking care of data platform topics.

  • The rise of the YAML engineer
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Mattijs Ugen

I'm a Python developer and data engineer at the Netherlands Forensic Institute 🇳🇱. Passionate about the beauty, power and apparent simplicity of Python and love sharing it to anyone that's interested 🤩.

  • Those annotations can have things other than typing?!
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Maxim Danilov

I began my career as a programmer specializing in embedded solutions in 1997, and grow to the role of Chief Technology Officer in 2023. Through many successful projects, I gained a robust understanding of various software development paradigms. After more than 10 years as a code mentor, I earned twice the title 'Super Mentor in Engineering'.

  • µDjango 2.0, an asynchronous microservices technique.
  • An alternative view on the OpenAPI documentation.
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Mayank Khanduja

Mayank is a data scientist at Esri, where he develops AI models for satellite and remote sensing datasets for a deeper understanding of our planet.

  • Earth Observation through Large Vision Models
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Michal Cyprian

I'm Michal, an Engineering Lead at, a leading global travel tech company headquartered in the Czech Republic. I am passionate about solving challenging business problems using the latest technology and leading engineering teams. The combination of my engineering and leadership skills enables me to do what I enjoy most—learning new technologies and sharing insights with fellow engineers. Additionally, I am involved in organizing 'KEtchUp,' which are regular community meetups for developers in Košice, Slovakia. As one of the organizers responsible for the content, I contribute to enhancing the knowledge-sharing in the engineering community.

  • How to deliver 3x faster with effective API design
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Michał Karzyński

Michal works as a data scientist and software architect for Intel. He is also a chairperson of the Operators group of the open source ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) project.

  • Contributing to ONNX: How you can improve Machine Learning interoperability
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Michał Rokita

Michał is a proficient Python developer specializing in web development for the last seven years, during which he focused on developing scalable services with Django, Flask, and, more recently - Starlette and FastAPI.

He is pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Science at the Warsaw University of Technology. He also explored Distributed Systems Engineering at TU Dresden through a student exchange program.
Michał is one of the organizers of PyCon PL.

  • Multimedia processing with FFMpeg and Python
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Michele Dallachiesa

Michele is an independent consultant specialising in de-risking AI applications. With two decades of experience building analytics and predictive models for robotics, publishing, decentralized finance, megaprojects management, and more. He holds a PhD in modelling and querying data with uncertainty. Connect with him on LinkedIn at

  • MLtraq: Track your ML/AI experiments at hyperspeed
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Mike Müller

I've been teaching Python courses since 2004. According to my statistics, I've taught about 550 Python courses totaling about 1,400 teaching days. These courses include about 60 tutorials at Python conferences including 28 tutorials at PyCon US as well as numerous tutorials at EuroPython, EuroSciPy, PyCon DE, PyCon PL, PyCon IE, PyCon AsiaPacific as well as at PyData London and Berlin.

  • Descriptors - Understanding and Modifying Python's Attribute Access
  • Descriptors - Understanding and Modifying Python's Attribute Access
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Mike Smith

Mike is a data scientist and semi-lapsed astronomer. He likes applying cool deep learning techniques (in particular foundational, self-supervised, and unsupervised learning methods) to problems in astrophysics, earth observation, medical diagnosis and imagery, and anything in-between. He especially enjoys applying these methods to "out-of-domain" problems where deep learning "shouldn’t work"!

  • Forecasting the future with EarthPT
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Mikuláš Poul

I've now been coding more years than not, and have been working with Django professionally for 10 years. Particular areas of interest to me are Django's ways of interacting with the database, testing using pytest, and data processing pipelines. I've written a couple minor public libraries, am maintain a couple more, and have written a lot of tooling internally for the SaaS application my company is developing.

Born and raised in Prague, Czech Republic, now I live in London after studying software engineering at FIT CTU and data science at UCL in London.

  • Aggregating data in Django using database views
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Miloslav Pojman

Miloslav is an experienced software engineer with focus on data processing and web applications.

He is using Python since the version 2.4. EuroPython 2024 will be his third one in the speaker role.

  • Pytest Design Patterns
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Miriam Forner

I am a self-taught, full-stack software engineer with five years professional experience building web applications and APIs using Python. I live in London and currently work at Kraken Technologies, building APIs to improve the experience of utility customers around the world.

  • Why communication is the best skill you can develop as a programmer
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Naomi Ceder

Naomi Ceder earned a Ph.D in Classics several decades ago, but switched from ancient human languages to computer languages sometime in the last century. Since 2001, she has been learning, teaching, writing about, and using Python.

An elected fellow of the Python Software Foundation, Naomi is a past chair of its board of directors, and in 2022 became the seventh person selected to receive the PSF Distinguished Service Award. A founder of Trans*Code, a hackday centered on the trans and non-binary community, she also speaks internationally about the Python community and inclusion and diversity in technology in general.
In her spare time Naomi enjoys playing classical guitar.

  • The truth about objects
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Neeraj Pandey

Neeraj is a polyglot. Over the years, he has worked on a variety of full-stack software and data-science applications, as well as computational arts and Quantitative finance projects, and likes the challenge of creating new tools and applications.

  • Parallelism, Concurrency, and AsyncIO: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
  • Parallelism, Concurrency, and AsyncIO: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
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Nicholas Tollervey

Recovering former member of the Python community.

Music, philosophy, teaching, writing & computing. Just like this bio: concise, honest and full of useful information. Everything I say is false... ;-)

  • WebAssembly Summit
  • WebAssembly Summit
  • WebAssembly Summit
  • WebAssembly Summit
  • Invent with PyScript
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Oladapo Kayode Abiodun

Kayode Abiodun, Oladapo (PhD) is currently a lecturer of Computer Science at McPherson University, Ogun State, Nigeria. He has a Diploma in Computer Data Processing from Ogun State University (2003); a BSc in Computer with Statistics from Olabisi Onabanjo University (2008); a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from Usman Dan Fodio University (2012); an MSc in Business Administration with specialization in Operations Research from University of Lagos (2015); MSc in Information Technology from National Open University (2016) and PhD (2021) from Babcock University, Ilisan-Remo, Ogun State. He also acquired various online certificates to his credit.
Visit here for more details:

  • Social Media and Sentimental Analysis: CBN Currency Redesign Policy
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Oleh Kostromin

I am a Data Scientist with a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence. Core contributor of Scikit-LLM.

  • Scikit-LLM: Beginner Friendly NLP Using LLMs
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Pablo Galindo Salgado

Pablo Galindo Salgado works in the Python Infrastructure team at the Software Infrastructure department at Bloomberg L.P. He is a CPython core developer and a Theoretical Physicist specializing in general relativity and black hole physics. He is currently serving on the Python Steering Council and he is the release manager for Python 3.10 and 3.11. He also has a cat who doesn't code.

  • Tales from the abyss: some of the most obscure CPython bugs
  • CPython Core Development Panel
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Paolo Melchiorre

I’m Paolo Melchiorre, a longtime Python backend developer who contributes to the Django project and gives talks at tech conferences.

I’ve been a GNU/Linux user for over 20 years and I use and promote Free Software.

I graduated in Software Engineering, and I’m an alumnus of the University of Bologna, Italy.

I’ve been working in the web for 15 years, and now I’m the CTO of 20tab, a pythonic software company, for which I work remotely.

  • Many ways to be a Python contributor
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Pavel Filonov

Developed MaxPatrol SIEM at Positive Technologies. At Kaspersky: from a project about ML in industrial cybersecurity to the head of the DS department.

Now he is developing his own Data Science consulting. Speaker at various conferences. Teacher of online courses on the OTUS platform. Author of trainings on soft skills.

  • Profiling Python Code
  • Profiling Python Code
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Pavel Král

Pavel is a Python developer specializing in LLM integrations based on Django and Kubernetes, who enjoys their practical use and measurable benefits.
He presented at Prague Python Pizza, where he talked about how LLM work with different languages, and he will also present at PyConSK.

  • Are LLMs smarter in some languages than others?
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Petr Balogh

Working as an automation/DevOps engineer (Ecosystem technical lead) for OpenShift Data Foundation at IBM.
Previously was working for Red Hat on the same product and also Red Hat Virtualization.
In free time, I like any kind of sport, traveling and spending time with my family.

  • Mastering Design Patterns: Crafting Elegant Solutions with a Confidence
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Petr Viktorin
  • C API Summit
  • C API Summit
  • C API Summit
  • C API Summit
  • CPython Core Development Panel
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Piotr Gnus

I'm a Python developer with a high experience in web frameworks, database ORMs and creating various APIs. Through my career I worked in various interesting industries, including some work for travel agencies, online gambling sites, creating point of sales and cash registers as well as "in person" payment processing. Enjoying various Python conferences across Europe since 2015 and EuroPython since 2022. Outside working hours I'm also interested in security engineering and I'm a (slightly retired) member of a CTF team.

  • Stop using!
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Pranjal Biyani

I am on a quest to solve problems with data using ML and AI. Over the years I have built multiple industry first solutions for diverse domains like Marketing, Supply Chain, Polymers and Chemicals etc. I have consulted numerous multi-national companies, helping them build in house capabilities ( via corporate training ), providing Project based support and developing SoA solutions for their customers. I love sharing my experiences and giving back to the community I have learned so much from. This would by my 3rd talk at EuroPython!

  • Unlocking Mixture of Experts : From 1 Know-it-all to group of Jedi Masters
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Radomir Dopieralski

I work on OpenStack by day, and play with Python on hardware by night. I build walking spider robots, handheld game consoles, mechanical keyboards, impractical instruments, and all sort of weird contraptions. I'm a member of the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society (SGMK).

  • Learn Python by Making a Console Game
  • Learn Python by Making a Console Game
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Radoslav Georgiev

Radoslav Georgiev is a software engineer generalist with more than 15 years of experience.

Currently, he is the CEO of HackSoft - a Bulgarian-based, software development company, that uses Django as one of their primary tools to build software.

Alongside the software development business, Radoslav has taught many software engineering & programming classes in HackBulgaria & the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics in Sofia University.

  • Rapid Prototyping & Proof of Concepts: Django is all we need
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Ravi Selker

Ravi works as a (python) software developer at Ordina/Sopra Steria, an IT service provider. He also co-founded jamovi, an easy-to-use statistical spreadsheet.

  • Event Sourcing From The Ground Up
  • Event Sourcing From The Ground Up
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Reuven M. Lerner

Reuven is a full-time instructor in Python and Pandas, in business since 1995. He teaches at companies around the world, offers video courses, and writes books — most recently, Python Workout and Pandas Workout, both published by Manning. He writes about Python for his "Better Developers" newsletter, and poses Pandas puzzles based on current events in "Bamboo Weekly."

  • The PyArrow revolution in Pandas
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Ria Bhatia

Ria Bhatia is a driven and passionate software engineer. Over the course of her career, she has worked with various database systems, prioritizing performance, data durability, and scalability. Her expertise extends from cloud-based relational databases to embedded persistent key-value stores.

Ria is passionate about simplifying complex concepts, fostering team learning, and staying at the forefront of technology trends. She's an enthusiastic speaker, having previously presented at prestigious conferences like PyCascades'23 and Women Tech Network Conference.

Committed to gender diversity in tech, Ria mentors aspiring engineers and has been recognized with the Google Women in Technology Scholarship and the Nutanix Women in Tech Scholarship for her leadership and community contributions.

Beyond tech, Ria enjoys screen-free hobbies like reading and embroidery, showcasing her artistic talents. She's also adept at playing multiple instruments, demonstrating her musical talent and diverse interests.

  • Python on the Rocks: Crafting a Smooth Blend with RocksDB
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Roberto Polli
  • Test java and C applications with python
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Rodrigo Girão Serrão

Rodrigo has always been fascinated by problem solving and that is why he picked up programming – so that he could solve more problems. He also loves sharing knowledge, and that is why he spends so much time writing articles in his blog, writing on Twitter @mathsppblog, and giving workshops and courses. You can also find his past talks on

His main areas of scientific interest are mathematics (numerical analysis in particular) and programming in general (with a preference for the Python and APL languages), but Rodrigo also enjoys reading fantasy books, watching silly comedy movies and eating chocolate.

  • Animations from first principles
  • Reinventing the `itertools` wheel for fun and profit
  • Reinventing the `itertools` wheel for fun and profit
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Roshan R Chandar

Roshan is an enthusiastic Python dev, with a love for exploring the endless possibilities of Python magic!
He is a talented presenter with experience at conferences like PyCon Thailand 2023.

He has also achieved success in numerous hackathons and have actively led various Python training sessions. An avid FOSS enthusiast, he has contributed to many open source organisations like the GNOME project and maintains several popular applications.

Currently, Roshan leverages his Python expertise as a backend developer at Strollby, working with Python microservices and GraphQL.

  • Accelerating Python with Rust: The PyO3 Revolution
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Samet Yaslan

Samet has been chairing the Python Standards Group at Optiver since 2021, with the mission of standardizing Python codebases by making best practices known to everyone in the company. He advocates for clean, simple, and well-tested code. He has earned his living using Python for more than 10 years and began participating in the open-source CPython project last year. He continues to contribute with new pull requests occasionally and really enjoys the opportunity to give back!

  • Python in Parallel: Sub-Interpreters vs. NoGIL vs. Multiprocessing
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Samuel Colvin

Hi, I'm Samuel. I'm a Python and Rust developer from London.

I'm best known for creating Pydantic - a Python data validation library that has now morphed into a startup. Recently we released our first product: Pydantic Logfire, a new kind of observability platform based on the same principle as Pydantic — that powerful tools can still be easy to use.

  • Pydantic Logfire — Uncomplicated Observability
  • Open Source Sustainability Panel
  • FastUI - panacea or pipe dream?
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Sara Zanzottera
  • Is RAG all you need? A look at the limits of retrieval augmented generation
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Sayak Paul

Sayak works as a Machine Learning Engineer at Hugging Face. He is responsible for maintaining the Diffusers library, training and babysitting diffusion models, and contributing to the impactful ideas in the space. Off the work, he can been caught binging Suits for the n-th time.

  • State-of-the-art image generation for the masses with Diffusers
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Sebastiaan Zeeff

Sebastiaan is a Python enthusiast who likes to think about good software design and engineering. He is a fellow of the EuroPython Society and the Python Software Foundation, works for the Pythoneers at Sopra Steria Netherlands, and frequently speaks at conferences around the world. Sebastiaan is also a board member of the EuroPython Society.

  • Event Sourcing From The Ground Up
  • Event Sourcing From The Ground Up
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Sena Sahin

Hello! I'm Sena, a recurring attendee of the EuroPython conference <3
I'm currently working as a Data and Analytics Dev at SAP.
I did my Bachelor's in Electronic Engineering and am currently pursuing my Master's in Data Science.
I'm interested in Edge AI applications and Applied AI projects!
Eager to meet and learn from all the exciting Python enthusiasts at EP 2024!

  • Automate Your Kitchen with Python & Applied AI
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Sheena O'Connell

I’ve been programming in some form since my early teens. After high school, I went on to get an Honors degree in electrical engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. I’ve always been drawn to software development and to teaching. I worked for a string of startups and gained a lot of experience in all aspects of software development, from requirements gathering and UX design to implementation, deployment, and monitoring.

I am currently the CTO of Umuzi. Our purpose is to reduce social inequality in Africa through digital education. Through my work at Umuzi, I have been able to dive into my multiple passions and develop a lot of skills at the intersection of tech and education.

  • Learning to code in the age of AI
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Soraya Roberta

PhD student in Computer Science, Creator of Compiled Poetry Project, author of the book "print("my first print")", podcaster of Making Art With Code, member of the Brazilian Python Community, and Pyladies Natal.

  • Teaching about diversity and Python through poem
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Stefanie Molin

Stefanie Molin is a software engineer at Bloomberg in New York City, where she tackles tough problems in information security, particularly those revolving around data wrangling/visualization, building tools for gathering data, and knowledge sharing. She is also the author of “Hands-On Data Analysis with Pandas: A Python data science handbook for data collection, wrangling, analysis, and visualization,” which is currently in its second edition and has been translated into Korean and Chinese, and a core developer of numpydoc. She holds a bachelor’s of science degree in operations research from Columbia University's Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, as well as a master’s degree in computer science, with a specialization in machine learning, from Georgia Tech. In her free time, she enjoys traveling the world, inventing new recipes, and learning new languages spoken among both people and computers.

  • (Pre-)Commit to Better Code
  • (Pre-)Commit to Better Code
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Štěpán Šindelář

GraalPy and HPy core developer. Programming languages, virtual machines, and runtimes enthusiast. Surfer in a landlocked country.

  • GraalPy - Fast Python Implementation
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Steven Pool

Hello! I'm Steven.

I'm currently a software engineer at Oxford Nanopore doing cool DNA things 🧬 I've worked in and around Python for 10 years, including teaching it! I've been to a few EuroPython's now (but this is my first time speaking at a conference 🫣)

I have a bizarre list of hobbies: Aerial silks, (flying) trapeze, ice skating, pottery, knitting/crochet, climbing, ...

  • Designing Config Files: The Conflicting Needs of Programmers and Users
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Sukanya Mandal

Contributor to the OpenFHE project and Machine Learning Lead

Sukanya is an experienced Research Engineer and Tech Lead, specializing in driving innovation in the Data and AI field. She has led teams in developing Federated Learning use cases across various domains. Her work involves extensive research and development in Federated Learning and Edge AI, creating prototypes, solutions and architecting and developing data systems for diverse industrial domains.

She is also an organizing committee member of PyCon Ireland and led organizer of PyData Ireland.

  • ​​Encrypted computing in Python using OpenFHE
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Sviatoslav Sydorenko (Святослав Сидоренко)

🖥️ Hey, I'm Sviat — a serial maintainer of and contributor to open source software. 👨‍💻
🌄 By day, I'm a Principal Software Engineer at Ansible Core Team. 🌅
🌇 By night, I'm involved in maintaining CherryPy and doing CI/CD for aio-libs/aiohttp along with various related contributions mostly to Python projects and its ecosystem. I'm also a PyPA member, author of the blessed [pypi-publish GitHub Action] and one of the maintainers of the Python Packaging User Guide. 🌆

My ongoing interest is GitHub Apps, Actions, bots and related things using their shiny new APIs. I'm at the beginning of crafting a framework for that currently.

I'm proficient with Python Packaging and setting up CI/CD in open source projects at scale.

This is me.

  • What do lockfiles pin, *actually*? Let's dig in and get our hands dirty!
  • What do lockfiles pin, *actually*? Let's dig in and get our hands dirty!
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Taehyun Lee

Hi, I am Taehyun from South Korea. I am currently working as a software engineer in Karrot, which is a start-up in South Korea, and a senior year majoring in Swedish at the university.

  • DFD(Documentation-First Development) with FastAPI
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Tamar Galer

Hello everyone! I'm Tamar, and my passion for coding started when I was just 14. Since then, I've been on an amazing journey with Python, which has become a big part of my life. Right now, I'm leading a fantastic team at Ox Security, and I absolutely love the challenges and teamwork involved.

  •"Don't Give all your {secrets} away")
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Tereza Iofciu

Tereza Iofciu is a data practitioner and leadership coach. She has more than 15 years of experience in Data Science, Data Engineering, Product Management and Team Management. Along side that she spent most of those years volunteering in the Python Community and wears many hats: PyLadies Hamburg organizer, Python Software Verband board member, NumFocus DISC Steering Committee member, Python Software Foundation Code of Conduct team member, Diversity & Inclusion working group member, PyConDE & PyData Berlin organizer, Python Pizza Hamburg organizer, and PyPodcats co-leader. In 2021 Tereza was awarded the Python Software Foundation community service award.

  • Why should we all be hyped about inclusive leadership?
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Tess Afanasyeva

Postdoc Bioinformatician, escaped from the lab (PhD) into Bioinformatics (Postdoc) via Software development coding bootcamp by Code First Girls and lots of self-study.

  • Rapid detection of red cell membrane defects leading to hemolytic anaemias
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Thomas Fraunholz

Meet Thomas, a passionate advocate for science, particularly in the realm of applied mathematics. Following his doctoral studies, he embarked on a journey into the world of embedded programming, where his affinity for DevOps took root. His enduring passion for crunching numbers ultimately led him to the fascinating field of artificial intelligence, where he's now an acknowledged MLOps expert, seamlessly integrating machine learning into operations.

Thomas has an impressive track record as a leader, having overseen two publicly funded open-source research programs in the field of AI, in collaboration with the German Aerospace Center. Today, he is at the forefront of AI-driven cybersecurity research and working on his low-budget bark beetle detection drone project – a testament to his enduring fascination with embedded systems.

  • Unlock the Power of Dev Containers: Consistent Environments in Seconds!
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Thomas Gregory

Late-stage PhD student at Imperial. I specialise in designing and solving mathematical models efficiently. Feel free to ask me about how high-performance computing and open source code are being used in meteorology (weather/climate) and magnetohydrodynamics (plasma/fusion)! Passionate about bridging the gap between abstract math and practical coding.

Connect with me on LinkedIn!

  • Maths in Motion: Python-Powered Modelling for Real-World Phenomena
  • Maths in Motion: Python-Powered Modelling for Real-World Phenomena
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After being a programmer for a good few years, I changed career in 2022 to become a Developer Educator at Aiven ( My favourite programming language is Python, my favourite markup language is reStructuredText, my favourite storage technologies are SQLite, PostgreSQL and Valkey, and I'm rather enthusiastic about Apache Kafka as a messaging system.
Find out more about my past at

  • How I used pgvector and PostgreSQL® to find pictures of me at a party
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Tim Felgentreff

I am a member of the GraalVM team at Oracle Labs. I was led here by my interests in programming languages and virtual machine design, and my involvement with the PyPy/RPython project and various other dynamic language VMs. My work revolves around dynamic language interoperability, connecting them with native C code in a safe manner, and providing cross-language tool support. I also continue to collaborate with the HPI at the University of Potsdam on tools and environments for dynamic languages and polyglot programming.

  • GraalPy - Fast Python Implementation
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Toomas Ormisson

Pythonista and a YAML Engineer with 7 years of experience in building and maintaining Observability systems using Open-Source software and tools.

Toomas started his journey working as a technician in Data Centers, making his way to working as an Application Administrator and Sysadmin building & maintaining Metrics and Logging systems (Zabbix & Elasticsearch). During that time, he started writing monitoring scripts in Python, ending up in inheriting a NOC software that was written in Python - giving him an opportunity to learn more about software development in Python.

In 2018, Toomas ended up leaving his home country of Estonia for someone he met in Tinder to "give love a chance"...

As he moved to the UK, he worked in some devopsy roles in London and Oxford. In the end, when things didn't work out - he ended up moving to London - working for what he'd like to think of as an Estonian company.

In London, he also met his current partner (in real life), who he's been together with for 3 years now.

During his time in Wise he's been able to work on systems at scale, progress through engineering levels (IC2 - IC5) - pursuing an Individual Contributor track and focus on solving interesting engineering problems.

As their LinkedIn says - their job is to break stuff and build things...

  • A Tale of Scaling Observability
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Torsten Zielke

Senior Backend Developer/Architect with current focus on Python, but "polylanguage".

Worked in Science, Insurance, AI and a couple of other areas. In the past I taught people about DDD and TDD, as well as pragmatic adoption of design patterns from SOLID, Clean Code and more.

Companies I worked for include Max Planck Institutes, Check24, Deutsche Bahn and now MARA Solutions. Before I became a software developer, I worked in various jobs including at a home for the severely disabled, in a call center, and on an assembly line.

When I'm not coding, I watch my kids grow rapidly fast or read Sci-Fi and play RPGs (analogue in form of pen'n'paper as well as digital).

  • Python Unplugged: Mining for Hidden 'Batteries
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Valentin Nieper

Valentin is a software and machine learning engineer at scalable minds. He works on implementing the newest models for biological image analysis and makes sure the data analysis pipeline scales on the cluster.

  • Profile, Optimize, Repeat: One Core Is All You Need™
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Valerio Maggio

Valerio Maggio is a Researcher, and Education Lead at Open Mined. He is well versed in open science and research software, and he has been recently awarded a fellowship from the Software Sustainability Institute (profile) focused on developing open teaching modules on Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning. Valerio is also an open-source contributor, and an active member of the Python community, helping with the organisation of many international conferences and community meetups like PyCon Italy, PyData, EuroPython, and EuroSciPy. All his talks, workshop materials and random ramblings are publicly available on his Speaker Deck and GitHub profiles. In his free time, Valerio is a casual Magic: The Gathering wizard 🧙‍♂️, of course playing a community magic format.

  • PySyft: Data Science on data you are not allowed to see
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Victor Stinner

I am paid by Red Hat to maintain Python upstream ( and downstream (RHEL and Fedora). Python core developer.

  • Move the Python ecosystem to the stable ABI
  • CPython Core Development Panel
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Vinícius Gubiani Ferreira

Love to code, to read other people’s code, and to help others achieve what they want with code. Be it directly or by guiding them to find out for themselves.

  • PEP 683: Immortal Objects - A new approach for memory managing
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Violetta Mishechkina

I'm a Solution Engineer from dltHub. I've started my professional journey as a Data Scientist at Nokia. So I worked a lot with Telecommunication data and Time Series. Both Classical ML and Neural Networks were quite popular at the time, so I've used them in my projects. The next step for me was moving away from Data Science to MLOps, because I felt that the problem of moving from an ML model to a production is not solved but it is highly important. All questions about getting data, versioning, and proper testing are still on the table.

When I've joined dltHub 4 months ago, I've entered the world of Data Engineering. Having experience mostly in ML I had to learn how to talk in Data Engineering language. All the terms like schema evolution, data ingestion, and semantic layer were new to me. That is partially why I was so impressed by dlt Python library, cause it abstracted away a lot of these issues. Personally, I believe, that dlt could become a part of standard modern open-source data stack. Because it was built by people knowing what they are doing and tackling the problem of data ingestion hundreds of times.


  • From Pandas to production: ELT with dlt
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Xavier Thompson

Xavier embarked on what would become the Typon project as an intern at Nexedi and hasn't looked back since.
When he's not thinking about compiler design and type systems, he enjoys swing dancing and singing in a choir.
This will be his second time talking at a conference.

  • How to Build a Python-to-C++ Compiler out of Spare Parts - and Why
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Yair Galler

Yair is a tech lead at Next Insurance, an insurtech startup. At Next, he translates the complex world of insurance into reliable, elegant code. He also has a passion for developer productivity, constantly working on improving methods and tooling.

In his previous roles he was an engineering team lead and software architect at several early and mid-stage startups. He has development experience in a wide range of field including devops, data engineering, backend as well as frontend systems.

  • I reverse engineered a work of art, and this is what I learned
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Yan Yanchii

I'm a senior software engineer at, a leading global travel tech company headquartered in the Czech Republic, and I work on the Search team.

I particularly enjoy delving into CPython and its internal workings. My preference for creating things from scratch, as opposed to relying on pre-made solutions, has helped me develop a profound grasp of the technical foundations of software development.

I'm thrilled to share my knowledge and enthusiasm for Python and low-level programming with the Python community.

  • Pointers in Python
  • Pointers in Python
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Yuliia Barabash

Over the past five years living in Germany, I've immersed myself in the tech industry, acquiring a broad spectrum of experiences. My skill set is diverse, covering the development of web applications using Python and the creation of robust AWS cloud solutions. I possess a solid grasp of design patterns and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), alongside a proficiency in event-driven and microservices architectures. My experience extends to designing REST APIs and working with various database technologies. Committed to continuous learning, I consistently improve my skills to employ tools and technologies following industry best practices.

  • Is it me or Python memory management?
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Zach Muncaster

Hi, I'm Zach.

I've been working professionally as a software developer for the last few years and have been having an enormous amount of fun while doing it! Whether its working on larger systems, network or IoT based systems or simple utility scripts, there's always something new one can learn.

Like many, I enjoy getting into the details of systems, really trying to understand what makes them tick.

Looking forward to EuroPythin2024!

  • A Tour of Synchronization Primitives in Python
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Zain Hasan

Zain Hasan is a senior ML developer relations engineer at Weaviate. An engineer and data scientist by training, he pursued his undergraduate and graduate work at the University of Toronto building artificially intelligent assistive technologies, then founded his company, VinciLabs in the digital health-tech space. More recently he practiced as a consultant senior data scientist in Toronto. Zain is passionate about the fields of machine learning, education, and public speaking.

  • Building Scalable Multimodal Search Applications with Python