Adarsh Divakaran

Adarsh is an experienced Backend Developer with expertise in architecting, building & deploying APIs, primarily using Python. He is the co-founder of Digievo Labs, a global technology firm. Adarsh started his Speaker journey by presenting at GraphQL Summit ‘22 and has presented at various Python conferences including Pycascades, Europython 2023, and Flaskcon.

Explore his professional journey and insights on his personal website and blog.


Tackling Thread Safety in Python
Adarsh Divakaran, Jothir Adithyan

Thread safety is often overlooked when we start with Python for developing simple scripts. But the hidden monster will be unleashed when we try to run non-thread safe code in a multithreaded setup.

We will discuss the problems which can happen when seemingly good code is run in a multithreaded environment. We will walk over the concept of race coditions, how Python’s GIL currently affects multithreading and will cover steps to fix thread unsafe code using synchronization primitives.

Python Internals & Ecosystem (2024)
Terrace 2B