Samuel Colvin

Hi, I'm Samuel. I'm a Python and Rust developer from London.

I'm best known for creating Pydantic - a Python data validation library that has now morphed into a startup. Recently we released our first product: Pydantic Logfire, a new kind of observability platform based on the same principle as Pydantic — that powerful tools can still be easy to use.


FastUI - panacea or pipe dream?
Samuel Colvin

Are web interfaces defined in Python a genius idea, a complete folly, or (like most technologies) a good fit for some use cases but not all?

I'll give a brief tour of packages that let you build web interfaces by writing only Python, including Streamlit, Gradio, NiceGUI, reflex, Solara, dominate, ReactPy and FastUI (recently released by the Pydantic team).

The main three questions I'll be asking are:

  1. Is building a web UI in Python really a good idea at all?
  2. What fundamental trade-offs are required to make such a tool successful?
  3. If someone can answer point 1 and 2, when's the right time to use these tools?

Over the last couple of years, lots of different libraries have emerged to let you develop web interfaces without getting your hands dirty with HTML, CSS, the JS ecosystem; but so far none have got as popular as "traditional" template rendering (Jinja, Django) or modern SPA frameworks like React.

So are we at the dawn of a new way era — and one of these frameworks will become ubiquitous. Or is the whole idea that you can build such an interface without engaging with the fundamental technologies that power them mistaken?

One important question is "what kind of interface are we aiming at?" If we are trying to give complete control over the browser, allowing Python developers to do everything raw JavaScript can do; our solution will look very different to something that is "just" trying to allow Python developers to plug common components together to build 80% of UIs with 20% of the effort.

Looking at the question through this lens will help explain the design choices of the above libraries, and might even allow us to guess at which approaches will be most

Web technologies (2024)
Forum Hall
Open Source Sustainability Panel
Artur Czepiel, Armin Ronacher, Samuel Colvin, Deb Nicholson, Çağıl Uluşahin Sönmez, Anwesha Das

The motivation behind this panel is to provide insights to the audience with regards to funding open source projects, manage the community interaction, and options people might find attractive in order to be paid while doing Open source.

We can also observe the sustainability of a project by the amount of contributors, even if it’s code or activities around it like conferences, communities, and NGOs that support the ecosystem.

South Hall 2B
Pydantic Logfire — Uncomplicated Observability
Samuel Colvin

Pydantic Logfire — Uncomplicated Observability

From the team behind Pydantic, Logfire is a new type of observability platform built on the same belief as our open source library — that the most powerful tools can be easy to use.

In this talk we'll introduce Logfire, then demonstrate how it can make understanding and fixing your app faster and more enjoyable with a live demo.

We'll touch on some of the most useful integrations including: FastAPI, Postgres and OpenAI.

DevOps and Infrastructure (Cloud & Hardware) (2024)
Terrace 2B