Anwesha Das

Anwesha is a Master of Laws by education and a technologist by passion.She is a fellow at the Python Software Foundation and the Release Manager of Ansible. She works as a Software Engineer with the Ansible Engineering team at Red Hat. She led PyLadies efforts in India and now is an organizer at PyLadies Stockholm. You can follow her blog at


Intellectual Property Law 101
Anwesha Das

"Oh, legal is boring," most developer community thinks in this line. Yes, it is boring, but it is essential at the same time. We will demystify certain basic legal concepts the developers need to know to secure them, their code, and, most importantly, the consequences of their steps. I will go through three fundamental pillars of Intellectual property laws: Trademark, Copyright, and Patent. The talk will include real-life examples of applying all of the above. This talk targets developers and not legal experts.

~ None of these topics (2024)
South Hall 2B
Open Source Sustainability Panel
Artur Czepiel, Armin Ronacher, Samuel Colvin, Deb Nicholson, Çağıl Uluşahin Sönmez, Anwesha Das

The motivation behind this panel is to provide insights to the audience with regards to funding open source projects, manage the community interaction, and options people might find attractive in order to be paid while doing Open source.

We can also observe the sustainability of a project by the amount of contributors, even if it’s code or activities around it like conferences, communities, and NGOs that support the ecosystem.

South Hall 2B