Brayan Kai Mwanyumba

Brayan Kai is a Data Scientist Passionate about Communities, Technical Writing and Open-Source Advocacy.
He currently volunteers at different developer communities across Africa including Google Crowdsource, Open-Source Community Africa, She Code Africa, PyLadies Ghana and Dev Careers. All this owing to his strong passion for supporting fellow upcoming technologists, women in tech and advocating for inclusion and diversity. He calls this his personal mission.
It makes him happier, more balanced, and gives him a stronger sense of purpose to innovate, share, and teach in and with the community rather than just for it.


Effective Strategies for Disability Inclusion in Open Source Communities
Brayan Kai Mwanyumba

In today's world, where disability affects a significant percentage of the population, it is crucial for open-source communities to address the challenges faced by persons with disabilities (PWDs) and work towards their inclusion. This talk will delve into practical measures such as referral programs, internal disability disclosures, and integrating disability into existing agendas rather than treating it as a separate issue. We will dive into disability mainstreaming with a focus on its role in promoting universal design and inclusivity. Attendees will gain insights into establishing disability mainstreaming committees, formulating action plans, implementing best practices, and monitoring and evaluating progress.

Education, Community & Diversity (2024)
Terrace 2B