Pablo Galindo Salgado

Pablo Galindo Salgado works in the Python Infrastructure team at the Software Infrastructure department at Bloomberg L.P. He is a CPython core developer and a Theoretical Physicist specializing in general relativity and black hole physics. He is currently serving on the Python Steering Council and he is the release manager for Python 3.10 and 3.11. He also has a cat who doesn't code.


CPython Core Development Panel
Łukasz Langa, Carol Willing, Petr Viktorin, Pablo Galindo Salgado, Victor Stinner, Hugo van Kemenade

Python has been evolving very rapidly in the last few years, and this is because new ideas have been taking over the Core Development. New ideas require new people, a new background and lots of energy.

This panel aims for the people to be aware of the changes that are coming in 3.13, and future versions, as well as ways people can contribute by testing features, fixing issues, or even sharing their own ideas.

Host: Konstantin Ignatov
Panelists: Pablo Galindo Salgado, Łukasz Langa, Carol Willing, Hugo van Kemenade, Victor Stinner and Petr Viktorin

South Hall 2B
Tales from the abyss: some of the most obscure CPython bugs
Pablo Galindo Salgado

Working on one of the major programming languages surely is a lot of fun but sometimes very weird things happen. In these moments Python stops behaving like Python and you enter a new dimension where everything is possible. And debugging what's going on in this new world of weirdness is quite a daunting task given the size of the CPython codebase. In this talk you will learn some of the most obscure, mind-bending and difficult bugs that we faced when developing CPython and how we solve them. You will also learn all the advanced tips and tricks that we used to slay these dragons so you can fight similar monsters in your own codebases or if you want to contribute to CPython itself!

Python Internals & Ecosystem (2024)
Forum Hall