Adrin Jalali
Adrin works on skops which tackles some of the MLOps challenges related to scikit-learn models. He has a PhD in Bioinformatics, has worked as a consultant, and in an algorithmic privacy and fairness team. He's also a core developer of scikit-learn and fairlearn.
Dynamically generated methods with a non-generic signature
Adrin Jalali
In other words, Descriptors + PEP-362 (function signature object) and a seasoning of PEP-487 (simpler customization of class creation via __init_subclass__
There are different ways to have generated methods and attributes attached to all classes in a library, and this talk presents the way we’re doing it in scikit-learn. Here you’ll understand the use-case, and see the details and challenges presented by it, and how we approached them.
Python Internals & Ecosystem (2023)
PyCharm (Forum Hall)